Floigan Bros. Episode 1, also known as simply Floigan Bros. or Floigan Brothers, is an action-adventure video game developed by Visual Concepts released in 2001 by Sega. It starred Jason Marsden and Frank Welker as the voices of the title characters. It was released only for the Dreamcast.
The Floigan Brothers, Moigle and Hoigle, live by themselves in their very own junkyard. Moigle is the larger of the two brothers, and is not controlled by the player. Hoigle, on the other hand, is directly controlled by the player. The two act as opposites; Moigle is larger and dimwitted, while Hoigle is smaller and far more intelligent than his brother. Moigle decides to surprise his brother with a machine, the only catch is that the parts he needs are scattered around their junkyard. Thus, Hoigle and Moigle begin to look for parts to the machine by solving various puzzles. However, hovering above the junkyard in a blimp, is Baron Malodorous. He wants the junkyard for his own uses, and sends out his cat mercenaries to weed out the Floigan Brothers. By defeating the Baron's cats, the brothers can find the parts to Moigle's machine
Floigan Bros. is presented in a fully 3D environment in which the player is able to interact with almost everything. The setting is the brothers' junkyard and the surrounding areas such as the swamp, bluff, cavern and dog yard. The player is in direct control of Hoigle for the entirety of the game. When there is something to be interacted with, commands will appear within the Dreamcast's button layout. Hoigle can perform a variety of tasks to solve a puzzle or defeat one of the Baron's cats. However, the interaction with Hoigle's brother, Moigle, is the highlighted feature of the game. The more badly he is treated, the less friendly and responsive he becomes to the player's commands.[3] The interactions with Moigle include hugging, punching him in the stomach, giving him something to eat and speaking to him.Moigle goes through different emotions depending what happens to him. For instance, Moigle can come in contact with a spider, and will not do anything until his fears are subsided. Alternatively, getting Moigle angry will cause him to become more aggressive, and, in turn, be used for throwing Hoigle to previously unreachable places.Another feature of Moigle is that the player can play short minigames with him to earn points. When enough points are collected, they can be used to make Moigle learn new skills, tricks and games.These new actions can be to over come his fear of spiders, play with a yo-yo, and many others.[5] According to IGN, the game is very short and can be completed in an hour